Monday, October 12, 2015


As if I haven't talked about this enough already...URBAN F***ING OUTFITTERS FEATURED ME ON THEIR BLOG.

I don't think I'll ever get over it.

It's one thing to have companies send you some product and ask you to post pictures of it on your Instagram, but this experience was on a whole other level. I've been shopping at Urban Outfitter since I was about 12 and didn't really give a crap about what I wore/what I looked like. I've been on somewhat of a style journey since then, and Urban has been in my life all along the way. I've spent many a hard-earned dollar there, so I was completely floored when they emailed me asking if I would be willing to do a feature on their blog.

*cue dramatic flashback*

It was an ordinary Tuesday morning. I lazily forced myself to wake up at 9:15am and, as usual, checked my phone.

Gmail Notification Re: Urban Outfitters blog feature

Wait, what?

Hi Caitlin! I'm reaching out from the UO blog to see if you'd be interested in working with us on a blog post. We'd love to send you some products and then send over someone to shoot you for a post...let me know if this is something you'd be interested in and available for, and I can send over some more details!"

HOLY SHIT BALLS. I couldn't believe what I was reading. URBAN OUTFITTERS, one of my go-to stores of almost seven years wanted me - ME - to participate in a blog feature. I ran upstairs to tell my mom. I was kind of yelling, and definitely shaking, completely filled with excitement and happiness. She was hesitant as first, wondering if it might be someone trying to scam me. She said she couldn't remember the last time I woke up happy.

After a whirlwind week of picking out products, communicating with my contact from Urban and with the photographer, Daria, and dying to share the news with my friends, I had done it. I had shot for Urban Outfitters in Malibu with an incredible photographer. 

This was truly an amazing experience, and I am so honored that I was deemed "cool enough" (when in reality, I'm just a nineteen year old taking a year off from school who spends 50% of her time binge-watching shows on Netflix) to do an entire interview+shoot feature on the UO blog.

Go take a read and let me know what you think!! And thank you for all the incredible support both on this blog and on my Instagram. It seriously means the world to me :)


  1. Congrats! You must've died, I can't imagine. All the best to you, girl!!

    x lj

    1. Thanks so, so much babe!!! And yes I died 1000 times and still can't believe it :) Much love x

  2. congratulations ! It's the beginning of something big
